Journal of Vector Borne Diseases

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 CONTENTS:    June 2005, Volume 42, Number 2

Research Articles

S.N. Surendran & R. Ramasamy

Some characteristics of the larval breeding sites of Anopheles culicifacies species B and E in Sri Lanka  [PDF Reprint]


Godwin Ray Anugboba Okogun

Life-table analysis of Anopheles malaria vectors: generational mortality as tool in mosquito vector abundance and control studies [PDF Reprint]


S.N. Sharma, R.P. Shukla, K. Raghavendra & Sarala K. Subbarao

Impact of DDT spraying on malaria transmission in Bareilly District, Uttar Pradesh, India [PDF Reprint]


M.K. Piyaratne, F.P. Amerasinghe, P.H. Amerasinghe & F. Konradsen

Physico-chemical characteristics of Anopheles culicifacies and Anopheles varuna breeding water in a dry zone stream in Sri Lanka [PDF Reprint]


Rina Tilak, V.K. Agrawal & J. Dutta

Field performance of cyphenothrin: an integrated insecticide strategy against German cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blatellidae) [PDF Reprint]


Short Note

H. Yousofi Darani, M. Ranjbar, S.A. Saidzadeh, K. Manouchehri,  N. Shahbakhsh &  M. Aminifard

The quality of field malaria diagnosis in Iranshahr, Iran   [PDF Reprint]


Shanker Matta, S.L. Kantharia & V.K. Desai

Active case detection survey of malaria cases in Surat City: a field based study  [PDF Reprint]